NDIS Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions

At Mobility EXP, we value transparency and accountability in our services. We encourage all participants, their families, and carers to share their experiences, compliments, complaints, and suggestions with us.

Your feedback is instrumental in helping us continuously improve our support and tailor our services to meet your individual needs.

We have established a dedicated system for collecting feedback, ensuring that every voice is heard and every concern is addressed promptly and effectively. Together, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and supportive community.

Click here to view and/or download our Complaints, Compliments or Suggestions Form.

Please forward all feedback to hello@mobilityexp.com.au

NDIS complaints can also be made directly to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commissions (NDIS Commission).

For more information, please visit: NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.