The natural progression of things is truly marvellous to behold. Striving to further set the benchmark higher, higher still. Ascended to the summit and can’t go further? Build a new one and keep going.
RAW Fitness Equipment brings you our natural progression – The Titan Power Rack HD – HALF is built from the benchmark setting Titan Rig concept. Able to handle everything from 1RM’s to strict Muscle Ups for years and years to come, thanks to 4mm thick uprights and heavy-duty Steel Components, explicitly reinforced and redesigned from the ground up for this rack.
100% Modular from base to top, your heart is your command. Dead space? Occupy it with a Dip Bar or Rope Anchor, slap some shelves in the middle, versatility guaranteed – no two designs will ever be the same. Progress starts with you, naturally.
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